Opening and Closing Times
Our 2025 season will start on 3rd April 2025.
Pettitts is open 7 days a week.
We open our gates every day of the week Monday –Sunday from 10am – 5pm
The Pettitts Car Park is totally Free and closes at 5.30pm.
Please be aware that we may close on days when there is particularly bad weather due to Health & Saftey reasons. We would suggest if you are unsure that you please check our facebook page or call our office.
Come back to Pettitts for Half Price
All Half Price Return tickets MUST be booked online, if you have visited us and wish to book your Half Price Return Tickets your original till receipt contains instructions on how to do so or alternatively we include instructions on an email sent out to you after your visit.
Car Parking
We offer Free car parking at Pettitts for the entire day. Parking your car is at your own risk within our car park. Our car park closes at 5.30pm, half an hour after the park closes.
Cash Back Available
We have cash back facilities at 3 outlets within the park. The gift shop, pettitts
coffee shack and the ice cream parlour.
We do not have wifi within the Park
Mobile Phone Signal
We cannot guarantee how much mobile reception different providers will have at Pettitts.
Smoking and Vaping
We ask that you only vape or smoke within the areas provided which are signed.
First Aid
The First Aid post is situated in the Gift Shop in the Village Square. A have a number of First Aid trained staff here each day.
We do not allow any dogs (except guide dogs) within any part of the Pettitts Park.
We have 3 designated picnic areas within the park: The Village Green Picnic Area, The Lakeside Picnic Area or The Woodland Picnic Area. We also have additional picnic benches around the park for you to sit down, eat and relax with your friends and family.
Lost Property
If you have lost an item please speak with a member of staff at the Gift Shop within the Village Square or call 01493 700094. Any lost property that is handed in is kept for one month.
Lost Children
If our staff are informed of a lost child they will radio around each other to help reunite children with their parent or carer.
Play Areas and Park
We ask that all children are supervised by their parents, carer or a responsible adult. Any child brought by you into Pettitts is entirely your responsibility.
Male & Female – Within the Village Square
Unisex – Within the Village Square
Male & Female – The Railway Station Toilets
Disabled Toilet
We have a Male & Female Disable Toilet by the Railway Station in the centre of the Park.
Baby changing Facilities
We have Baby Changing facilities within 2 locations within the park:
Ladies Only –Top Toilets within the Village Square
Male & Female – The Railway Station Toilets