by admin | Aug 3, 2020 | animals
Meerkat Genus and Species: Suricata suricatta Meerkats are active carnivores that live in burrows in Africa. Remarkably social, they live in groups that can number up to 30 individuals (called mobs) that cooperate in keeping watch over the mob and scare off predators...
by admin | Aug 3, 2020 | animals
Large Black Pig Genus and Species: Sus scrofa domesticus The Large Black pig is a British breed of domestic pig. It is the only British pig that is entirely black. Native Habitat:The Large Black pig is native to Cornwall, Devon, and Somerset in southwestern England....
by admin | Aug 3, 2020 | animals
Bennett’s Wallaby Genus and Species: Macropus rufogriseus The Bennett’s wallaby has mostly tawny grey fur, with a white chest and belly, and a dark brown muzzle, paws and feet. Native Habitat:Bennett’s wallabies are commonly found in eucalyptus...
by admin | Jul 31, 2020 | animals
Alpaca Genus and Species: Vicugna pacos Alpacas are slender-bodied animals with long legs and necks, small heads and large, pointed ears. Native Habitat: Alpacas are one of the domesticated members of the camel (camelid) family, which also includes llamas, guanacos...
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