European (Eurasian) Eagle Owl

Genus and Species: Bubo bubo

The Eurasian Eagle Owl is a very large, heavy owl with prominent ear-tufts, and powerful feathered talons. Eagle Owls have various hunting techniques, and will take prey on the ground or in full flight. They may hunt in forests, but prefer open spaces.

Native Habitat:
The Eurasian Eagle Owl is a very large, heavy owl with prominent ear-tufts, and powerful feathered talons. Eagle Owls have various hunting techniques, and will take prey on the ground or in full flight. They may hunt in forests, but prefer open spaces.

Fun fact:
The Eurasian Eagle Owl is a very large, heavy owl with prominent ear-tufts, and powerful feathered talons. Eagle Owls have various hunting techniques, and will take prey on the ground or in full flight. They may hunt in forests, but prefer open spaces.

Conservation status:
Not Endangered

Around the world:
North Africa, Europe, Asia, Middle East